Thursday, November 08, 2007

Luke's First Stomach Flu

Interesting day in the Hardymon household...I knew something was up when Luke slept until 9:15 am this morning! He always asks for milk when he gets up and wanted nothing to do with it this morning--clue #2! I decided to go on with our morning plans to head to the car dealership for our car's check up. I brought breakfast for Luke to eat. He was sitting so calmly in the waiting room with his head on the table eating a few cheerios and milk. He then took some of his cars and quietly was playing with them. I could not believe it and I was actually enjoying a magazine with all of this calmness...all of the sudden Luke threw up EVERYWHERE. With him being so young, I can't exactly tell him to direct it since it scared him so much. So I calmly brought him to the floor to finish and then calmly cleaned up what I could and informed the Ford service man. They then brought me quickly home (I'm praying the entire time that Luke would not throw up again). A few hours later Luke tried some water and crackers and again everthing came up so I called the dr. She said the stomach flu is going around and to put him on a completely liquid diet sipping very little and very slowly. We opted for the apple juice diluted with water. Luke had some crackers before he went to bed and was able to keep them down so hopefully he'll be over this quickly.
We did a lot of snuggling today and watched a lot of cartoon videos. Luke took his nap on the couch today...I felt so bad for him b/c he was so hungry but I could not give him any food. He truly did not understand.
He may be sick but he's still cute...he's watching tv here getting ready for slumber...
And off he goes...hopefully tomorrow will be an easier day!

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Love this boy!

Luke is becoming a huge help in the kitchen. Anytime I'm cooking, he wants to know what is going on. We bought him a little step stool so he can be at the counter's height which he loves! What a smile!!

Baby Party!!

Great friends of mine from church threw such a fun baby party for me and another friend of mine who is due with her fourth two days before me! We had such great conversation (without kids!). I appreciate these women so much!
Keri who is due with a boy too on January 25th!


Here are some pictures of Luke on the big night! He had a blast and did not know what to do with himself. It's so neat b/c neighbors have seen him each of the three years he was been trick-or-treating and they are so excited when he comes around!! What fun!

Luke picking up his chocolate and he's on his way!

We had trouble keeping Luke from peering into the homes. I guess it'll teach them to put up drapes!

Oh dear...when we got home, we let Luke eat all he could and the next day the candy was taken away (to Jeremy's work). I think Luke knew that would happen with all of the candy he's holding in his hand! He needed a rest after getting all that candy!


What a Halloween this year!! Luke attended several parties. When the final night came to go trick-or-treating, Luke completely got the entire concept. He would bang on each neighbor's door and ask for chocolate. He would then pick out the pieces he wanted and be on his way. What a difference a year makes when he would not even walk from house to house and pretty much cried the entire time! He's growing up so fast!
Luke dressed up for school here. He's behind the girl with blue. His teacher Mrs. Tammy is in the orange with the pumpkin vest.
Luke at his friend Talon's (in the red/black shirt) 3rd birthday party. Luke loves Talon. It's one of his closet friends. Luke had 2 pieces of cake at 10 am.
Luke at his annual harvest party. So neat because these same group of kids last year would not sit long enough for a picture. They are growing up so fast! Luke has his red light sabor in this picture sitting next to his new friend Zachary.
These two just sat and sat waiting for all of the pitures to be taken. I like here how Luke is holding onto his light sabor with a phone in the other hand. This little boy Zachary is hilarious. He loves to have his picture taken and will try to get in any picture possible. So cute.

The cutest darth vador on Halloween night

Awesome Job Jeremy

Near the end of October, Jeremy ran in the Detroit 1/2 Marathon. He did an awesome job getting a PR :). Luke and I went downtown Detroit with him at 5:30 am and saw him start, at mile 9 and the finish. We had so much fun. Luke loved watching the runners, cuddling with his bear and watching for Daddy! Great job Jeremy! We are so proud of you!
It's tricky taking pictures of runners b/c you have to look for so many faces and have your camera ready. Here is Jeremy at mile 9 when he got back on US soil from Canada. He looks great doesn't he!!?!?! (He's in the black outfit near the girl in pink closest to the sidewalk)
Luke having breakfast at 6 am! His shirt glowed in the dark "I love my mummy" which everyone thought was cute!
Waiting for daddy at mile 9. It was an exhausting day but so much fun! We all slept for 4 hours when we got home :).

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Trip to Indy...

We just got back from a one week visit to the great state of Indiana. We were able to see so many family and friends. It was a great time! Luke still is talking about Chewie and Emma (my brother's dog) and tells me how he wants to pat them. Good time was had by all!
Luke loves his great-granddad!!
Luke received the cutest suitcase from his Auntie Olivia and Uncle Wessel as a birthday gift. He likes to fill it up with his cars and bring them everywhere. It's the perfect size for him! Thanks Auntie and Uncle!
Luke received a goodie bag of treats from his Grandma Betsy. Luke is definitely a gift lover...maybe his love language??
Here is one of the friends we visited with during our stay. This is Mollie. Her mom is a college friend of mine. Mollie is adorable and Luke completely invaded her home with cars!!
I unfortuantely did not get pictures of the other friends we visited. We also had so much seeing Christopher, Kaitlynn, Maggie, Mackenzie and Mica!! Thanks for a great visit!!

Luke at the Orchard

This weekend as a family we went to the local orchard (many more trips to come). Luke liked looking at the pumpkins (but not touching them), looking at the farm animals and of course enjoying a warm donut after we convinced him they were not longer hot. I have brought him to this same orchard for the past 3 years now (the first time he was less than 6 months old). Amazing how much he changes every time! Love this boy!

For some reason, I think this is the funniest picture ever of Luke. His expression is absolutely priceless.

Here is Luke telling Daddy his donut is hot. Better eat that donut quickly Luke before Daddy does!

Luke at School...

Luke started a school for 2 yr olds this year. It's 2 hours once a week and I stay with him. He loves it. His teachers are great (I tell Luke we're going to school and he says, "to see Tammy" who is his teacher). Luke is not a sensory guy...he hates having his hands dirty so he's not digging the finger painting but we had a huge break through this week where he would actually put on his paint smock and play with paint covered marbles. He's getting so big and I love spending this time with him. Here are some pictures from one of his first days.
Note: Blogger is having a hard time downloading my pictures. Will try again later.

The Cutest...

So...this picture is posted really late. We have great friends here in MI with three girls and one boy. The girls LOVE to take care of Luke and let's just say, he loves to be taken care of. One of the girls, Rachel, loved bringing Luke around in the toy mustang. Luke LOVED it. This boy never sits for longer than 2 minutes, so this was huge. Here's a few pictures of the fun...

If these two get married, this pictures is DEFINITELY being shown at the wedding!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Luke's odd habit...

So as I'm sure I've shared with most of you...Luke enjoys spending a lot of his day aligning his toys, shoes, pantry items...just about anything he can get his hands on...with his cars or figurines, they must all be facing the same way and if one is messed up, he'll stop what he is doing to correct it. I wonder who he gets that from?? Here is some proof on what he does:
This picture is sideways too...I like how the caterpillar is a head of the pack. He's even facing the right way!

Hands On Museum

Luke and I took a day trip to a Hands On Museum in Ann Arbor. There was a preschool room that Luke loved...especially the water table. He would have stayed there all day if I would have let him. The smock did not help much...he was soaked....especially his shoes.
He's becoming such a big boy!

What a surprise...Luke lining up something!!
Luke and I went through the rest of the museum...but mostly it was stuff to advanced for him. He enjoyed looking around though.
Luke on the piano!

Jeremy's Birthday

For Jeremy's birthday, I surprised him with flying lessons! He was able to take off, fly a plane and land (of course with an instrutor). Luke and I watched Jeremy take off and land which was fun. Luke loved watching the planes! ("panes" Luke says!). Jeremy loved it EXCEPT...he became pretty air sick which caused two things: 1.a very long car ride home and 2. this is the last time Jeremy will be piloting a plane!
Jeremy about to take off.
Getting his ear phones on...
Coming in from landing...
Our one time pilot!

Luke's Birthday Part II

Off to Indy for more celebration. This party was so special because we had so many family members able to attend including Luke's great grandma and grandpa. Luke loved his party!
Here is Luke's cake. Jeremy and I did our best on it! Luke had a race car them party...Jeremy asked me why a taxi was on the cake then?? I had no answer!

Luke was a little overwhelmed with everyone singing to him. This was his only smiling picture with the cake. He LOVED eating cake!

More cars...Luke received so many nice gifts!

I'm free!!! I'm free!! Luke loves his freedom!

Grandpa Albert pulling Luke in his wagon with his balloons. One of many, many rides...Luke loves his wagon!

Summer Recap Part II

Luke turned 2 on May 24th. We had two celebrations. One his birthday morning and one with extended family in Indianapolis. He loved the entire celebration and completely understood the day was all about him! He loved it!
Sorry this is sideways. Anyways, we had Luke get up before Jeremy went to work so we could all celebrate together...we started the morning with yummy cinnamon rolls. Luke thought, "what is going on??".
He loved the presents!! He uses this mower the most at Grandma and Grandpa's!
Probably Luke's favorite toy right now...anything with cars and the slide that makes the cars for "fasss", according to Luke!

Summer Recap Part I

Totally have been slacking with updating our blog this summer!! I'll give some highlights! We have been having a blast enjoying the parks in the area, the pool, splash park, Luke pushing his mower around and taking very many jogs (and walks) in the jogger and the wagon. Luke loves the outside and cannot get enough of it! Here are some highlights...
For my birthday in May (my last year in my 20s!), my mom treated me to a trip to Dresden, OH to see the Longaberger basket company HQ and factory. We had so much fun. Below you'll see their HQ building...of course, a huge basket! Funniest thing ever. Supposedly, the handles are heated and move so the snow/ice do not ruin the buidling. The dark spots you see are the windows. Can you imagine going to a basket every day for work!?!? We actually went inside and it's a really nice place. Baskets everywhere...
Closer look...
The largest apple basket in the world!! I guess the first Longaberger basket was made to be an apple basket. Huge! Seriously baskets where everywhere...everything in the stores were stored in Longabergers, all trash cans, even in the cafe, the straws/napkins were stored in longabergers. Unbelievable!

Thanks mom for a great trip! We had so much fun!