Thursday, August 31, 2006


Jeremy and I are so proud to FINALLY announce that Luke is walking consistently by himself. I tried recently to expose him to several friends his age for him to observe them walking. People would say to me, "wow, he's a fast crawler" and I would say, "yes, because he should be walking". He's walking in twos...left, right stop, left, right, stop. He gets so excited when he reaches the other side of the room. He's so happy with his new found talent. His officialy walk-date is August 28, 2006 (he turned 15 mos on August 24)

Who can sleep sitting up?

Jeremy found Luke sitting up while sleeping and you can see he's dead asleep. Jeremy got it on camera as well--I can't wait for Luke's wedding to show off all these pics!

Isn't he a doll? I have had a few people in stores come up to Luke and say, "You're so cute, you could be a girl!". I'm not sure if that's a compliment...I just give a half smile and we go along our way. :).

Luke A. Hardymon, DDS

Okay, so I have more proof concerning my predication made when I was 6 months pregnant with Luke. For your memory, I had a dentist appointment when Luke was 6 months in utero and during the whole appointment, he was moving everywhere especially when the loud instruments where going. He loved it--I just knew he was smiling.

Now I have more proof. Luke absolutely loves brushing his teeth. He likes to do it himself and he loves when you do it. He actually gets pretty upset when he's brushed for 10 minutes and we say that's enough. He loves it.